module fundit::operationDataPuller use fundit::sqlUtilities /* * 取所有一级策略 * */ def get_strategy_list() { s_query = "SELECT strategy_id, strategy, rasie_type AS raise_type FROM mfdb.d_strategy WHERE isvalid = 1"; conn = connect_mysql() t = odbc::query(conn, s_query) conn.close() return t } /* * 取所有二级策略 * */ def get_substrategy_list() { s_query = "SELECT substrategy_id, substrategy, raise_type FROM mfdb.d_substrategy WHERE isvalid = 1"; conn = connect_mysql() t = odbc::query(conn, s_query) conn.close() return t } /* * 取有效基金基本信息 * * Example: get_fund_info("'HF000004KN','HF00018WXG'"); * get_fund_info(null); * */ def get_fund_info(fund_ids) { s_entity_ids = ids_to_string(fund_ids); s_entity_sql = iif(s_entity_ids == NULL, '', " AND fi.fund_id IN (" + s_entity_ids + ")"); s_query = "SELECT fi.fund_id, fi.inception_date, fi.primary_benchmark_id AS benchmark_id, IFNULL(fi.initial_unit_value, 1) AS ini_value, fs.strategy, fs.substrategy, fi.raise_type, fi.p_fund_id FROM mfdb.fund_information fi INNER JOIN mfdb.fund_strategy fs ON fi.fund_id = fs.fund_id WHERE fs.isvalid = 1 AND fi.isvalid = 1" + s_entity_sql + " ORDER BY fi.fund_id" conn = connect_mysql() t = odbc::query(conn, s_query) conn.close() return t } /* * 取有效指数基本信息 * * Example: get_index_info("'IN00000008','IN000002GE'"); * get_index_info(null); * */ def get_index_info(index_ids) { s_entity_ids = ids_to_string(index_ids); s_entity_sql = iif(s_entity_ids == NULL || s_entity_ids == '', '', " AND fi.index_id IN (" + s_entity_ids + ")"); s_query = "SELECT fi.index_id, fi.inception_date, NULL AS benchmark_id, IFNULL(fi.index_initial_value, 1) AS ini_value, fi.index_code, fi.index_type_id FROM mfdb.indexes_profile fi WHERE fi.isvalid = 1" + s_entity_sql + " ORDER BY fi.index_id"; conn = connect_mysql(); t = odbc::query(conn, s_query); conn.close(); return t; } /* * 取组合有效信息 * * NOTE: portfolio 的 strategy 统一为公募混合基金102, sub_strategy 用 sub_type (哪里维护的?) * * Example: get_portfolio_info('166002,166114'); * get_portfolio_info(NULL); * */ def get_portfolio_info(portfolio_ids) { s_entity_ids = ids_to_string(portfolio_ids); s_entity_sql = iif(s_entity_ids == NULL || s_entity_ids == '', '', " AND IN (" + s_entity_ids + ")"); s_query = "SELECT AS portfolio_id, cpm.userid, cpm.customer_id, cpm.inception_date, 1 AS ini_value, cpm.portfolio_source, cpm.portfolio_type, 102 AS strategy, sub_type AS substrategy, u.org_id FROM pfdb.`pf_customer_portfolio_map` cpm INNER JOIN pfdb.cm_user u ON cpm.userid = u.userid WHERE cpm.isvalid = 1 AND u.isvalid = 1" + s_entity_sql + " ORDER BY" conn = connect_mysql() t = odbc::query(conn, s_query) conn.close() return t } /* * 取私有基金有效信息 * * Example: get_cus_fund_info(['CF0000005V','CF000000CE']); * get_cus_fund_info(NULL); * */ def get_cus_fund_info(fund_ids) { s_entity_ids = ids_to_string(fund_ids); s_entity_sql = iif(s_entity_ids == NULL || s_entity_ids == '', '', " AND fi.fund_id IN (" + s_entity_ids + ")"); s_query = "SELECT fi.fund_id, fi.userid, fi.inception_date, IFNULL(fi.primary_benchmark_id, 'IN00000008') AS benchmark_id, IFNULL(initial_unit_value, 1) AS ini_value, raise_type, strategy, substrategy FROM pfdb.pf_cus_fund_information fi INNER JOIN pfdb.cm_user u ON fi.userid = u.userid WHERE fi.isvalid = 1 AND u.isvalid = 1" + s_entity_sql + " ORDER BY fi.fund_id" conn = connect_mysql() t = odbc::query(conn, s_query) conn.close() return t } /* * 取因子有效信息 * * Example: get_factor_info(['FA00000VNB','FA00000VMJ']); * get_factor_info(NULL); * */ def get_factor_info(factor_ids) { s_entity_ids = ids_to_string(factor_ids); s_entity_sql = iif(s_entity_ids == NULL || s_entity_ids == '', '', " AND fi.factor_id IN (" + s_entity_ids + ")"); s_query = "SELECT fi.factor_id, fi.factor_type, fi.inception_date, NULL AS benchmark_id, IFNULL(initial_value, 1) AS ini_value FROM pfdb.cm_factor_information fi WHERE fi.isvalid = 1 " + s_entity_sql + " ORDER BY fi.factor_id" conn = connect_mysql() t = odbc::query(conn, s_query) conn.close() return t } /* * 取基金经理有效信息 * * NOTE: Will return multiple records per company! * * Example: get_personnel_info(['PL000000AN', 'PL000001GH']); */ def get_personnel_info(personnel_ids) { s_entity_ids = ids_to_string(personnel_ids); s_entity_sql = iif(s_entity_ids == NULL || s_entity_ids == '', '', " AND pi.personnel_id IN (" + s_entity_ids + ")"); s_query = "SELECT pi.personnel_id AS manager_id, fi.raise_type, fs.strategy, MIN(map.management_start_date) AS inception_date, CASE fs.strategy WHEN 1 THEN 'IN00000008' WHEN 2 THEN 'IN00000008' WHEN 3 THEN 'IN0000008S' WHEN 4 THEN 'IN00000008' WHEN 5 THEN 'IN00000008' WHEN 6 THEN 'IN00000077' WHEN 7 THEN 'FA00000VNB' WHEN 8 THEN 'FA00000VNB' WHEN 101 THEN 'IN00000008' WHEN 102 THEN 'FA00000VNB' WHEN 103 THEN 'IN00000077' WHEN 104 THEN 'IN0000007G' WHEN 105 THEN 'IN0000009M' ELSE 'IN00000008' END AS benchmark_id, 1 AS ini_value FROM mfdb.personnel_information pi INNER JOIN mfdb.fund_manager_mapping map ON pi.personnel_id = map.fund_manager_id INNER JOIN mfdb.fund_information fi ON map.fund_id = fi.fund_id INNER JOIN mfdb.fund_strategy fs ON fi.fund_id = fs.fund_id WHERE pi.isvalid = 1 " + s_entity_sql + " AND map.isvalid = 1 AND fi.isvalid = 1 AND fs.isvalid = 1 AND fs.strategy > 0 GROUP BY pi.personnel_id, fi.raise_type, fs.strategy ORDER BY pi.personnel_id" conn = connect_mysql() t = odbc::query(conn, s_query) conn.close() return t } /* * 取基金经理简版信息 (curve_type + 全strategy) * * NOTE: 仿照 MySQL 的设定,curve_type: 1-私募, 4-公募, 7-公私募综合; strategy: 0-不分策略 * * Example: get_personnel_info_for_perf(['PL000000AN', 'PL000001GH']); */ def get_personnel_info_for_perf(personnel_ids) { s_entity_ids = ids_to_string(personnel_ids); s_entity_sql = iif(s_entity_ids == NULL || s_entity_ids == '', '', " AND pi.personnel_id IN (" + s_entity_ids + ")"); s_query = "SELECT * FROM ( SELECT pi.personnel_id AS manager_id, IF(fi.raise_type = 1, 1, 4) AS curve_type, 0 AS strategy, MIN(map.management_start_date) AS inception_date, 'FA00000VNB' AS benchmark_id, 1 AS ini_value FROM mfdb.personnel_information pi INNER JOIN mfdb.fund_manager_mapping map ON pi.personnel_id = map.fund_manager_id INNER JOIN mfdb.fund_information fi ON map.fund_id = fi.fund_id WHERE pi.isvalid = 1 " + s_entity_sql + " AND map.isvalid = 1 AND fi.isvalid = 1 GROUP BY pi.personnel_id, fi.raise_type UNION SELECT pi.personnel_id AS manager_id, 7 AS curve_type, 0 AS strategy, MIN(map.management_start_date) AS inception_date, 'FA00000VNB' AS benchmark_id, 1 AS ini_value FROM mfdb.personnel_information pi INNER JOIN mfdb.fund_manager_mapping map ON pi.personnel_id = map.fund_manager_id INNER JOIN mfdb.fund_information fi ON map.fund_id = fi.fund_id WHERE pi.isvalid = 1 " + s_entity_sql + " AND map.isvalid = 1 AND fi.isvalid = 1 GROUP BY pi.personnel_id) t ORDER BY manager_id, curve_type, strategy;"; conn = connect_mysql() t = odbc::query(conn, s_query) conn.close() return t } /* * 取基金公司简版信息 (curve_type + 全strategy) * * NOTE: 仿照 MySQL 的设定,curve_type: 1-私募, 4-公募, 7-公私募综合; strategy: 0-不分策略 * * Example: get_company_info_for_perf(['CO0001003W', 'CO00000017']); */ def get_company_info_for_perf(company_ids) { s_entity_ids = ids_to_string(company_ids); s_entity_sql = iif(s_entity_ids == NULL || s_entity_ids == '', '', " AND ci.company_id IN (" + s_entity_ids + ")"); s_query = "SELECT * FROM ( SELECT ci.company_id, IF(fi.raise_type = 1, 1, 4) AS curve_type, 0 AS strategy, MIN(IFNULL(fi.inception_date, ci.establish_date)) AS inception_date, 'FA00000VNB' AS benchmark_id, 1 AS ini_value FROM mfdb.company_information ci INNER JOIN mfdb.fund_information fi ON ci.company_id = fi.advisor_id WHERE ci.isvalid = 1 " + s_entity_sql + " AND fi.isvalid = 1 GROUP BY ci.company_id, fi.raise_type UNION SELECT ci.company_id, 7 AS curve_type, 0 AS strategy, MIN(IFNULL(fi.inception_date, ci.establish_date)) AS inception_date, 'FA00000VNB' AS benchmark_id, 1 AS ini_value FROM mfdb.company_information ci INNER JOIN mfdb.fund_information fi ON ci.company_id = fi.advisor_id WHERE ci.isvalid = 1 " + s_entity_sql + " AND fi.isvalid = 1 GROUP BY ci.company_id) t ORDER BY company_id, curve_type, strategy;"; conn = connect_mysql() t = odbc::query(conn, s_query) conn.close() return t } /* * 取基金公司有效信息 * * NOTE: Will return multiple records per company! * * Example: get_company_info(['CO0001003W', 'CO00000017']); * */ def get_company_info(company_ids) { s_entity_ids = ids_to_string(company_ids); s_entity_sql = iif(s_entity_ids == NULL || s_entity_ids == '', '', " AND ci.company_id IN (" + s_entity_ids + ")"); s_query = "SELECT ci.company_id, fi.raise_type, fs.strategy, MIN(IFNULL(fi.inception_date, ci.establish_date)) AS inception_date, CASE fs.strategy WHEN 1 THEN 'IN00000008' WHEN 2 THEN 'IN00000008' WHEN 3 THEN 'IN0000008S' WHEN 4 THEN 'IN00000008' WHEN 5 THEN 'IN00000008' WHEN 6 THEN 'IN00000077' WHEN 7 THEN 'FA00000VNB' WHEN 8 THEN 'FA00000VNB' WHEN 101 THEN 'IN00000008' WHEN 102 THEN 'FA00000VNB' WHEN 103 THEN 'IN00000077' WHEN 104 THEN 'IN0000007G' WHEN 105 THEN 'IN0000009M' ELSE 'IN00000008' END AS benchmark_id, 1 AS ini_value FROM mfdb.company_information ci INNER JOIN mfdb.fund_information fi ON ci.company_id = fi.advisor_id INNER JOIN mfdb.fund_strategy fs ON fi.fund_id = fs.fund_id WHERE ci.isvalid = 1 " + s_entity_sql + " AND fi.isvalid = 1 AND fs.isvalid = 1 AND fs.strategy > 0 GROUP BY ci.company_id, fi.raise_type, fs.strategy ORDER BY ci.company_id" conn = connect_mysql() t = odbc::query(conn, s_query) conn.close() return t } /* * 取基金组合基础有效信息 * * Example: get_entity_info('HF', ['HF000004KN','HF000103EU','HF00018WXG']); * get_entity_info('PF', '166002,166114'); * get_entity_info('MI', NULL); */ def get_entity_info(entity_type, entity_ids) { t = null; s_entity_ids = ids_to_string(entity_ids); if(entity_type == 'MF' || entity_type == 'HF') { t = get_fund_info(s_entity_ids); t.rename!('fund_id', 'entity_id'); } else if(entity_type == 'PF') { t = get_portfolio_info(s_entity_ids); t.rename!('portfolio_id', 'entity_id'); } else if(entity_type IN ['MI', 'FI']) { t = get_index_info(s_entity_ids); t.rename!('index_id', 'entity_id'); } else if(entity_type == 'CF') { t = get_cus_fund_info(s_entity_ids); t.rename!('fund_id', 'entity_id'); } else if(entity_type == 'FA') { t = get_factor_info(s_entity_ids); t.rename!('factor_id', 'entity_id'); } else if(entity_type == 'PL') { t = get_personnel_info_for_perf(s_entity_ids); t.rename!('manager_id', 'entity_id'); } else if(entity_type == 'CO') { t = get_company_info_for_perf(s_entity_ids); t.rename!('company_id', 'entity_id'); } return t; } /* * 取某时间段的基金主基准 * NOTE: 目前数据库里只存最新的基准,以后很可能会支持时间序列 * * Example: get_fund_primary_benchmark("'MF00003PW2', 'MF00003PW1', 'MF00003PXO'", '1990-01', '2024-06'); */ def get_fund_primary_benchmark(fund_ids, month_start, month_end) { s_query = "SELECT fund_id, primary_benchmark_id AS benchmark_id, inception_date FROM mfdb.fund_information WHERE fund_id IN (" + fund_ids + ") AND isvalid = 1;"; conn = connect_mysql(); t = odbc::query(conn, s_query); conn.close(); t.addColumn('end_date', MONTH); m_start = temporalParse(month_start, 'yyyy-MM'); m_end = temporalParse(month_end, 'yyyy-MM'); tb_end_date = table(m_start..m_end AS end_date); return (SELECT t.fund_id, d.end_date, t.benchmark_id FROM t JOIN tb_end_date d WHERE d.end_date >= t.inception_date.month()); } /* * 取某时间段的组合主基准 * NOTE: 目前所有Java指标计算组合默认主基准是FA00000VNB,以后很可能会改 * * Example: get_portfolio_primary_benchmark("166002,166114", '1990-01', '2024-08'); */ def get_portfolio_primary_benchmark(portfolio_ids, month_start, month_end) { s_query = "SELECT id AS portfolio_id, 'FA00000VNB' AS benchmark_id, inception_date FROM pfdb.pf_customer_portfolio_map WHERE id IN (" + portfolio_ids + ") AND isvalid = 1;"; conn = connect_mysql(); t = odbc::query(conn, s_query); conn.close(); t.addColumn('end_date', MONTH); m_start = temporalParse(month_start, 'yyyy-MM'); m_end = temporalParse(month_end, 'yyyy-MM'); tb_end_date = table(m_start..m_end AS end_date); return (SELECT t.portfolio_id, d.end_date, t.benchmark_id FROM t JOIN tb_end_date d WHERE d.end_date >= t.inception_date.month()); } /* * 取某时间段的基金组合主基准 * * NOTE: 指数和因子的”主基准”设置为沪深300 * * Example: get_entity_primary_benchmark('MF', "'MF00003PW2', 'MF00003PW1', 'MF00003PXO'", '1990-01', '2024-06'); * get_entity_primary_benchmark('PF', [166002,166114], '1990-01', '2024-08'); * get_entity_primary_benchmark('MI', ['IN00000008', 'IN0000000M'], '2024-07', '2024-08'); * get_entity_primary_benchmark('FA', ['FA00000VNB', 'FA00000VMJ'], '2024-01', '2024-08'); */ def get_entity_primary_benchmark(entity_type, entity_ids, month_start, month_end) { t = table(100:0, ['entity_id', 'end_date', 'benchmark_id'], [iif(entity_type == 'PF', INT, SYMBOL), MONTH, SYMBOL]); s_entity_ids = ids_to_string(entity_ids); if(s_entity_ids == null || s_entity_ids == '') return null; if(entity_type == 'MF' || entity_type == 'HF') { t = get_fund_primary_benchmark(s_entity_ids, month_start, month_end); t.rename!('fund_id', 'entity_id'); } else if(entity_type == 'PF') { t = get_portfolio_primary_benchmark(s_entity_ids, month_start, month_end); t.rename!('portfolio_id', 'entity_id'); } else if(entity_type IN ['MI', 'FI', 'FA', 'CI', 'EQ']) { t = SELECT entity_id, end_date, NULL AS benchmark_id FROM cj(get_entity_info(entity_type, s_entity_ids), table(temporalParse(month_start, 'yyyy-MM')..temporalParse(month_end, 'yyyy-MM') AS end_date)) WHERE end_date >= iif(inception_date.isNull(), 1990.01M, inception_date.month()) } return t; } /* * 取某时间段的基金组合BFI基准 * * * Example: get_entity_bfi_factors('MF', "'MF00003PW2', 'MF00003PW1', 'MF00003PXO'", 1990.01M, 2024.06M); * get_entity_bfi_factors('PF', [166002,166114], 1990.01M, 2029.12M, 2024.10.01); */ def get_entity_bfi_factors(entity_type, entity_ids, month_start, month_end, updatetime=1990.01.01) { tmp = get_bfi_by_category_group_table_description(entity_type); s_entity_ids = ids_to_string(entity_ids); sql_entity_id = ''; if(s_entity_ids != NULL) { sql_entity_id = " AND " + tmp.sec_id_col[0] + " IN (" + s_entity_ids + ")"; } s_query = "SELECT " + tmp.sec_id_col[0] + " AS entity_id, end_date, factor_id FROM " + tmp.table_name[0] + " WHERE isvalid = 1 " + sql_entity_id + " AND end_date >= '" + month_start.temporalFormat('yyyy-MM') + "' AND end_date <= '" + month_end.temporalFormat('yyyy-MM') + "' AND updatetime >= '" + updatetime$STRING + "' ORDER BY " + tmp.sec_id_col[0] + ", end_date, factor_id"; conn = connect_mysql(); t = odbc::query(conn, s_query); conn.close(); return t; } /* * 取某时间段的基金经理 BFI基准 * * * Example: get_mc_bfi_factors('PL', ['PL000000NS', 'PL00000ICF'], 1990.01M, 2024.06M); * */ def get_mc_bfi_factors(entity_type, entity_ids, month_start, month_end, updatetime=1990.01.01) { tmp = get_bfi_by_category_group_table_description(entity_type); s_entity_ids = ids_to_string(entity_ids); sql_entity_id = ''; if(s_entity_ids != NULL) { sql_entity_id = " AND " + tmp.sec_id_col[0] + " IN (" + s_entity_ids + ")"; } s_query = "SELECT " + tmp.sec_id_col[0] + " AS entity_id, curve_type, strategy, end_date, factor_id FROM " + tmp.table_name[0] + " WHERE isvalid = 1 " + sql_entity_id + " AND end_date >= '" + month_start.temporalFormat('yyyy-MM') + "' AND end_date <= '" + month_end.temporalFormat('yyyy-MM') + "' AND updatetime >= '" + updatetime$STRING + "' ORDER BY " + tmp.sec_id_col[0] + ", end_date, factor_id"; conn = connect_mysql(); t = odbc::query(conn, s_query); conn.close(); return t; } /* * 取基金-经理关系表 * * Example:get_fund_manager_mapping(['MF00003PW1', 'MF00003PW2']); */ def get_fund_manager_mapping(fund_ids) { t = null; s_entity_ids = ids_to_string(fund_ids); s_query = "SELECT fund_id, fund_manager_id, management_start_date, management_end_date FROM mfdb.fund_manager_mapping WHERE fund_id IN (" + s_entity_ids + ") AND isvalid = 1 ORDER BY fund_id, management_start_date, management_end_date;"; conn = connect_mysql(); t = odbc::query(conn, s_query); conn.close(); return t; }