module fundit::returnCalculator use fundit::sqlUtilities use fundit::operationDataPuller use fundit::performanceDataPuller /* * 通用月收益计算 * * @param entity_info : [COLUMNS] entity_id, price_date, inception_date, ini_value * @param nav
: [COLUMNS] entity_id, price_date, cumulative_nav * */ def cal_monthly_returns_by_nav(entity_info, mutable nav) { tb_rets = null; if(nav.isVoid() || nav.size() == 0 || entity_info.isVoid() || entity_info.size() == 0 ) return null; // 所有月末日期和净值 tb_monthly_nav = SELECT entity_id, price_date.month().last() AS end_date, price_date.last() AS price_date, cumulative_nav.last() AS cumulative_nav FROM nav.sortBy!(['entity_id', 'price_date'], [1, 1]) GROUP BY entity_id, price_date.month(); // 筛掉成立日之前的净值 tb_monthly_nav = SELECT n.entity_id, end_date, price_date, cumulative_nav FROM tb_monthly_nav n INNER JOIN entity_info ei ON n.entity_id = ei.entity_id WHERE n.price_date >= ei.inception_date; // 补回来成立日初始净值 INSERT INTO tb_monthly_nav SELECT entity_id, inception_date.month(), inception_date, ini_value FROM entity_info WHERE inception_date IS NOT NULL; if(tb_monthly_nav.isVoid() || tb_monthly_nav.size() == 0) { return tb_rets; } // 计算月收益 tb_rets = SELECT entity_id, end_date, price_date, cumulative_nav, cumulative_nav.ratios() - 1 AS ret FROM tb_monthly_nav.sortBy!(['entity_id', 'price_date'], [1, 1]) CONTEXT BY entity_id; // the records without return calculated but do have nav are still useful for some calculations (e.g. max drawdown) return ( SELECT * FROM tb_rets WHERE cumulative_nav > 0 ); } /* * 根据最新更新的净值计算收益,并与数据库历史收益合并为完整收益, 数据源是MySQL * * @param entity_type : * @param entity_info
: COLUMN NEED entity_id, inception_date, benchmark_id, ini_value, price_date * @param start_date : 净值(datasource='nav')、收益起始日(datasource='perf')、净值更新的最新日期(datasource='mix') * @param data_source : nav(nav table), perf(xxx_performance table), mix(new updated nav + old performance table ret_1m) * * */ def mix_monthly_returns(entity_type, entity_info) { ret = null; very_old_day = 1990.01.01; end_day = today(); s_json = (SELECT entity_id AS sec_id, price_date FROM entity_info).toStdJson(); // 取基金组合在包括各自的某净值日期的前值及之后的所有净值 tb_nav = get_nav_for_return_calculation(entity_type, 'm', s_json); tb_nav.rename!('sec_id', 'entity_id'); // 计算某净值日期所在月份及之后的所有月收益 ret = cal_monthly_returns_by_nav(entity_info, tb_nav); if(ret.isVoid() || ret.size() == 0) return ret; // 筛掉引入的前值,这些记录用来计算第一期收益后就不再有用 // 不知道为什么 delete ret from ej(ret, tb_entities, 'entity_id') where ret.price_date < tb_entities.price_date 会报错 ret = SELECT ret.* FROM ej(ret, entity_info, 'entity_id') WHERE ret.price_date >= entity_info.price_date; // 取数据库中的所有历史收益 historical_rets = get_monthly_ret(entity_type, entity_info.entity_id, very_old_day, end_day, true); // MIX 将新NAV计算的收益和数据库中的历史收益合并,相同月份时用新计算的收益代替 INSERT INTO ret SELECT entity_id, end_date.temporalParse('yyyy-MM'), price_date, nav, ret FROM historical_rets h WHERE NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM ret WHERE entity_id = historical_rets.entity_id AND end_date = historical_rets.end_date.temporalParse('yyyy-MM') ); // 过滤掉成立日之前的收益 return SELECT ret.* FROM ret INNER JOIN entity_info ei ON ret.entity_id = ei.entity_id WHERE ret.end_date >= ei.inception_date.month() ORDER BY entity_id, end_date, price_date; } /* * 根据基金净值序列计算周收益序列 * * Create: 20240907 Joey * TODO: missing pulling data from local * * @param entity_type : NAV universe, 'HF','MF','PF','EQ'... defined in get_nav_table_description() * @param entity_info
: COLUMN NEED entity_id, price_date, inception_date * * */ def cal_weekly_returns(entity_type, entity_info){ tb_rets_1w = null; if(!(entity_type IN ['HF', 'MF', 'PF', 'MI', 'FI', 'FA'])) return tb_rets_1w; // 将每支证券ID+某个日期转为JSON用于调用sp s_json = (SELECT entity_id AS sec_id, price_date FROM entity_info).toStdJson(); // 取基金组合在包括各自的某净值日期的前值及之后的所有净值 tb_nav = get_nav_for_return_calculation(entity_type, 'w', s_json); tb_nav.rename!('sec_id', 'entity_id'); UPDATE tb_nav SET year_week = get_year_week(price_date); tb_weekly_nav = SELECT entity_id, year_week, price_date.last() AS price_date, cumulative_nav.last() AS cumulative_nav FROM tb_nav n INNER JOIN entity_info ei ON n.entity_id = ei.entity_id WHERE n.price_date >= ei.inception_date // 筛掉成立日之前的净值 GROUP BY entity_id, year_week ORDER BY entity_id, year_week; // 这里选最简单的计算方式:不补任何净值空洞,净值前值日期不做任何限制 // TODO: 可以考虑将月收益也改为这种方式 tb_rets_1w = SELECT entity_id, year_week, price_date, cumulative_nav, cumulative_nav.ratios()-1 AS ret_1w FROM tb_weekly_nav ORDER BY entity_id, year_week; return tb_rets_1w; } /* * 批量计算区间收益 * TODO: mySQL version 向前取4天,向后不做限制。这里的逻辑是向前取4个交易日, 遇到大长假后可能取不到数据 * 【老程序,可优化】 * * get_trailing_return(tb_last_nav, tb_nav, -7d, "ret_1w") * */ def get_trailing_return(table_last_nav, table_nav, duration, return_column_name) { tb = SELECT a.entity_id, a.price_date.last() AS price_date, a.cumulative_nav.last() \ b.cumulative_nav.last() - 1 AS ret FROM table_last_nav a INNER JOIN table_nav b ON a.entity_id = b.entity_id WHERE b.price_date <= a.price_date.datetimeAdd(duration) AND b.price_date >= a.price_date.datetimeAdd(duration).datetimeAdd(-4d).businessDay() GROUP BY a.entity_id ORDER BY entity_id; tb.rename!("ret", return_column_name); return tb; } /* * 批量计算最新收益 * 【老程序,可优化】 * */ def cal_latest_performance(entity_type, entity_info, isFromMySQL) { // 用于保证老基金也能取到所有历史净值 very_old_price_date = 1990.01.01 tb_nav = get_nav_by_price_date(entity_type, entity_info.entity_id, very_old_price_date, isFromMySQL) tb_last_nav = SELECT entity_id, price_date.last() AS price_date, cumulative_nav.last() AS cumulative_nav FROM tb_nav GROUP BY entity_id ORDER BY entity_id // 近1期收益,对应mySQL fund_latest_nav_performance 中的 net_value_change // 因为是倒序,所以算出来的 ratios() = n0 / n1, 要把它改换成 n1 / n0 - 1 的收益 tb_last_return = SELECT TOP 2 entity_id, price_date.first() AS price_date, price_date AS pre_preice_date, nav.first() AS nav, cumulative_nav.first() AS cumulative_nav, 1\cumulative_nav.ratios() - 1 AS net_value_change FROM ( SELECT * FROM tb_nav ORDER BY price_date DESC ) CONTEXT BY entity_id ORDER BY entity_id tb_last_return = SELECT * FROM tb_last_return WHERE net_value_change IS NOT NULL // 近1交易日收益 tb_1d = SELECT a.entity_id, a.price_date, a.cumulative_nav \ b.cumulative_nav - 1 AS ret_1d FROM tb_last_nav a INNER JOIN tb_nav b ON a.entity_id = b.entity_id AND b.price_date = a.price_date.datetimeAdd(-1d).businessDay() ORDER BY entity_id // 近1周、1/3/6月、1/2/3/4/5/10年收益 tb_1w = get_trailing_return(tb_last_nav, tb_nav, -7d, "ret_1w") tb_1m = get_trailing_return(tb_last_nav, tb_nav, -1M, "ret_1m") tb_3m = get_trailing_return(tb_last_nav, tb_nav, -3M, "ret_3m") tb_6m = get_trailing_return(tb_last_nav, tb_nav, -6M, "ret_6m") tb_1y = get_trailing_return(tb_last_nav, tb_nav, -1y, "ret_1y") tb_2y = get_trailing_return(tb_last_nav, tb_nav, -2y, "ret_2y") tb_3y = get_trailing_return(tb_last_nav, tb_nav, -3y, "ret_3y") tb_4y = get_trailing_return(tb_last_nav, tb_nav, -4y, "ret_4y") tb_5y = get_trailing_return(tb_last_nav, tb_nav, -5y, "ret_5y") tb_10y = get_trailing_return(tb_last_nav, tb_nav, -10y, "ret_10y") // ytd return tb_ytd = SELECT a.entity_id, a.price_date.last() AS price_date, a.cumulative_nav.last() \ b.cumulative_nav.last() - 1 AS ret_ytd FROM tb_last_nav a INNER JOIN tb_nav b ON a.entity_id = b.entity_id WHERE b.price_date < a.price_date.yearBegin() AND b.price_date >= a.price_date.yearBegin().datetimeAdd(-4d) GROUP BY a.entity_id // since inception return tb_incep = SELECT a.entity_id, a.price_date, -1 + cumulative_nav \ ini_value AS ret_incep, fi.inception_date FROM tb_last_nav a INNER JOIN entity_info fi ON a.entity_id = fi.entity_id // annulized since reception return following GIPS rule UPDATE tb_incep SET ret_incep_a = iif((price_date-inception_date)<=365, ret_incep, (1 + ret_incep).pow(365.25\(price_date-inception_date)) - 1) UPDATE tb_incep SET ret_incep_a_all = ret_incep_a, ret_incep_a_gips = ret_incep_a // 最大回撤 tb_drawdown_1m = SELECT a.entity_id, max( 1 - b.cumulative_nav \ b.cumulative_nav.cummax() ) AS drawdown_1m FROM tb_last_return a INNER JOIN tb_nav b ON a.entity_id = b.entity_id WHERE b.price_date >= a.price_date.datetimeAdd(-1M) GROUP BY a.entity_id tb_drawdown_3m = SELECT a.entity_id, max( 1 - b.cumulative_nav \ b.cumulative_nav.cummax() ) AS drawdown_3m FROM tb_last_return a INNER JOIN tb_nav b ON a.entity_id = b.entity_id WHERE b.price_date >= a.price_date.datetimeAdd(-3M) GROUP BY a.entity_id tb_drawdown_1y = SELECT a.entity_id, max( 1 - b.cumulative_nav \ b.cumulative_nav.cummax() ) AS drawdown_1y FROM tb_last_return a INNER JOIN tb_nav b ON a.entity_id = b.entity_id WHERE b.price_date >= a.price_date.datetimeAdd(-1y) GROUP BY a.entity_id tb_drawdown_incep = SELECT entity_id, max( 1 - cumulative_nav \ cumulative_nav.cummax() ) AS drawdown_incep FROM tb_nav GROUP BY entity_id tb_rets = SELECT a.entity_id, a.price_date.datetimeFormat("yyyy-MM") AS end_date, a.price_date, a.pre_preice_date, a.nav, a.cumulative_nav, a.net_value_change, d1.ret_1d, w1.ret_1w, m1.ret_1m, m3.ret_3m, m6.ret_6m, y1.ret_1y, y2.ret_2y, y3.ret_3y, y4.ret_4y, y5.ret_5y, y10.ret_10y, ytd.ret_ytd, incep.ret_incep, incep.ret_incep_a, incep.ret_incep_a_all, incep.ret_incep_a_gips, dd_m1.drawdown_1m AS maxdrawdown_1m, dd_m3.drawdown_3m AS maxdrawdown_3m, dd_y1.drawdown_1y AS maxdrawdown_1y, dd_incep.drawdown_incep AS maxdrawdown_incep, iif(dd_incep.drawdown_incep.round(4) == 0 || incep.ret_incep_a > 1000, NULL, incep.ret_incep_a \ dd_incep.drawdown_incep) AS calmarratio_incep FROM tb_last_return a LEFT JOIN tb_1d d1 ON a.entity_id = d1.entity_id LEFT JOIN tb_1w w1 ON a.entity_id = w1.entity_id LEFT JOIN tb_1m m1 ON a.entity_id = m1.entity_id LEFT JOIN tb_3m m3 ON a.entity_id = m3.entity_id LEFT JOIN tb_6m m6 ON a.entity_id = m6.entity_id LEFT JOIN tb_1y y1 ON a.entity_id = y1.entity_id LEFT JOIN tb_2y y2 ON a.entity_id = y2.entity_id LEFT JOIN tb_3y y3 ON a.entity_id = y3.entity_id LEFT JOIN tb_4y y4 ON a.entity_id = y4.entity_id LEFT JOIN tb_5y y5 ON a.entity_id = y5.entity_id LEFT JOIN tb_10y y10 ON a.entity_id = y10.entity_id LEFT JOIN tb_ytd ytd ON a.entity_id = ytd.entity_id LEFT JOIN tb_incep incep ON a.entity_id = incep.entity_id LEFT JOIN tb_drawdown_1m dd_m1 ON a.entity_id = dd_m1.entity_id LEFT JOIN tb_drawdown_3m dd_m3 ON a.entity_id = dd_m3.entity_id LEFT JOIN tb_drawdown_1y dd_y1 ON a.entity_id = dd_y1.entity_id LEFT JOIN tb_drawdown_incep dd_incep ON a.entity_id = dd_incep.entity_id ORDER BY a.entity_id // 忽略掉非GIPS标准的所有年化收益字段(包括ytd_a) UPDATE tb_rets SET ret_1y_a = ret_1y, ret_2y_a = (1 + ret_2y).pow(1\2) - 1, ret_3y_a = (1 + ret_3y).pow(1\3) - 1, ret_4y_a = (1 + ret_4y).pow(1\4) - 1, ret_5y_a = (1 + ret_5y).pow(1\5) - 1, ret_10y_a = (1 + ret_10y).pow(1\10) - 1 return tb_rets }